Browse Items (111 total)

This sweet banner, reminds Biddeford kids that "Your Teachers Miss You, Be Well" with tiger paws (Tiger Pride!). It hangs on the fence at St. Louis Baseball fields, near the corner of West and Hill Streets.

Window decoration honoring those on the frontlines.

Nineteen beautiful face masks handsewn by Elaine Emery for the patrons of the West Paris Library. Given to the Library on August 7th, 2020.

How COVID Affected My Life.pdf
A wife's heartfelt account of her husband being in and passing in a nursing home during COVID. She also discusses the aftermath of this, how different holidays are, and what she has done to get through it.

Changes Certainly.pdf
My experiences during this pandemic.

WMF-05 pic.JPG
Norway Historical Society and the Universalist Unitarian Church, Norway held tours of Rustfield Cemetery October 30 and 31. This was in lieu of the Norway Trolley Tour in September. This was a way for the public to appreciate some of Norway's history…

Iron oxide, charcoal and tea on paper.

A volunteer's son stands masked and ready to help at the Dexter Mobile Food Cupboard distribution.

Due to COVID-19 the Center Theatre temporarily closed its doors on March 16, 2020. While we were closed, we made our marquee available to the public. This is a small sampling of those messages supporting our community.

A fire breathing dragon made out of Legos for Hartland Public Library's Lego Time. The program exists because of the pandemic and this would have never been made otherwise. The virus has made us imagine new forms of programming as well as bring us…

This is the MCI Concert Choir singing "Love Is Love" by Abbie Benitis. There were approximately 33 of the 63 choir members who submitted individual recordings of themselves prior to April vacation. I assembled all their voices to form the choir. The…

Illustration titled barbijo, which is Spanish for surgical mask.

The material was submitted by the student through the COA COVID-19 Community Archive Project Google Form.

Gardening in the time of COVID-19. The COA Community Garden gate padlocked with a "garden closed" sign.

Screenshot of an important update from President Collins posted on the COVID-19 Response website.

A set stage in Gates Auditorium is ready to virtually host Hillary Rodham Clinton, the keynote speaker of the Champlain Institute.

The Champlain Institute is a week-long ideas festival which hosts leaders from around the country and the world to…
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